The Origin Story and The Epilogue
Sometime around 2013, during a tattooing trip to South America, I was led into the Amazon rainforest looking for adventure and healing. A shaman there told me I needed to heal my heart. Simple and obvious advice, but the source of that advice and its context gave it weight that haunted me at times. By the end of that year the healer’s directive had fully settled into my subconscious—as the urge finally struck me to manifest his teaching through the transformative power of art. So I painted heart after heart throughout most of 2014. Simple and direct images from simple and direct advice, meant for contemplation and meditative introspection. You, the viewer, get to decide precisely what each representation of the heart means to you, just as I once did. And hopefully they inspire healing in you just as they did for me.
With the rise in popularity of NFTs and the revolution in content creation they’re fostering, it was time to revisit and resurrect this almost forgotten project with fresh inspiration. After the past few difficult years for humanity, a new focus on a healing of the heart may be just what’s needed for all of us to regain a sense of connection and face the ongoing challenges of our time. In this spirit, the 4 new hearts being added to this series all portray the process of finding what’s precious within a damaged exterior, hardened by life’s trials. Hearts breaking open, but in the process, revealing what is true and valuable in each of us.
POB NFTs drop on Opensea starting 2/14. Sign up for my newsletter on this site to stay informed, or visit the project's discord server or Instagram for info: @blockxhouse